
This portion of Al-Kitab takes its name from the people to whom it was originally written--Hebrew people. A Hebrew is a Jew (Hebrew is also the name of the official language spoken by Jews in Israel today). However, the Hebrews to whom this letter was written were also followers of 'Isa al-Masih. Even though most Jews had rejected Prophet 'Isa Ibn Maryam, not all rejected him. This letter was written to Jews who did become followers of 'Isa Ibn Maryam. They had lived in danger and endured various kinds of persecution because of their faith in 'Isa al-Masih. However, in the face of such trouble, some were tempted to give up on their faith. This scripture urges them to hold on to the end and never give up their faith in 'Isa al-Masih. Chapter 11 is a famous section of Hebrews. It sets forth the example of many famous people who had faith in the face of great temptation and trouble. The chapter mentions the faith of prophets and holy people such as Habil, Idris, Nuh, Ibrahim, Ishaq, Yaqub, Yusuf, and Musa (peace be on them all).

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