
This portion of Al-Kitab is named after the prophet through whom it was revealed, Prophet Armiya (pbuh), also known as Jeremiah. During the time that Prophet Armiya (pbuh) was preaching, three nations were competing for domination of the Middle East: Assyria, Egypt, and Babylon. Allah revealed two very important truths to the Jews through Armiya (pbuh). First, the Jews were not to depend on any agreement they might make with Egypt. Second, as a consequence of their sins, the Jews were going to be taken away and exiled in Babylon for 70 years. Many people did not like these two announcements and persecuted Prophet Armiya (pbuh) for it, but he remained faithful to Allah no matter what the people said. Armiya (pbuh) was one of the relatively few Jews who were permitted to stay in Palestine and not go into exile. Later, many of the remaining Jews in Palestine decided they would go to Egypt to get away from Babylon's influence, and they forced Armiya (pbuh) to go with them. The prophet lived out the rest of his days in Egypt.

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