2 Timothy

This portion of Al-Kitab takes its name from the person to whom it was originally written--Timothy. Timothy was a young man from Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) who had become a follower of 'Isa al-Masih. His mother was Jewish and his father was Greek. Timothy had accompanied the apostle Paul (pbuh) on his journeys as his assistant. Now Timothy was on his own as a leader in the work of Allah. This second letter to Timothy is the apostle Paul's last letter and contains some of his final words before he died as a martyr. He was waiting in prison to be executed by having his head cut off. He was an old man and had been proclaiming the Injil of 'Isa al-Masih for many years, for which reason he was in a Roman jail. One last time, Paul (pbuh) wants to request of Timothy that he firmly hold to all the teaching he had received. From the example his own life and work, Paul (pbuh) reminds Timothy of his faith, perseverance, love, and suffering for the Injil.

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