2 Kings


In the Jewish scriptures, 1 and 2 Kings comprise one book by the name "Kings." Together, they recount 400 years worth of history from the reign of King Sulayman (pbuh) to the exile of Bani-Israel in Babylon. They tell of the split that took place in the kingdom of Israel after the death of Sulayman (pbuh). The southern portion contained the capital city, Jerusalem, and was called Judah. The descendants of Dawud and Sulayman (pbut) ruled as kings in Judah. The northern portion was called Israel or Ephraim, and was ruled by people from a variety of families at different times. The kings of the north were almost given totally over to idol-worship, whereas, the kings of Judah had several famous kings who ruled in the fear of Allah. Here you will also read about Prophets Ilyas and Al-Yasa (peace be upon them). Again and again, in this portion of the Word of Allah it becomes clear that Allah rewards obedience and punishes those who forsake faith. For more information, see 1 Kings Introduction.

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